ACORAB Nepal Programs
ACORAB is mainly engaged in production and dissemination of impartial media contents, mentorship and policy advocacy to aware, empower and engage communities as well as concerned stakeholders through radio programming and outreach activities. Since its establishment, it has been engaging in awareness building, advocacy and lobbying on numerous civic and socio-economic issues.

ACORAB is mainly engaged in production and dissemination of impartial media contents, mentorship and policy advocacy to aware, empower and engage communities as well as concerned stakeholders through radio programming and outreach activities. Since its establishment, it has been engaging in awareness building, advocacy and lobbying on numerous civic and socio-economic issues.
ACORAB operates Community Information Network (CIN) - Nepal's largest Community radio network linking all the community radios in one. CIN served ably by a professional team of radio journalists at the center (Kathmandu) along with more than 350 reporters contributing from every nook and corner of the country. CIN produces and distributes national news bulletin "Sajha Khabar" every morning at 6 and 7:30 in the evening. ACORAB/CIN Nepal has been engaging in awareness building, advocacy and lobbying on numerous civic and socio-economic issues. ACORAB/CIN has strong experience of on-air and off-air accomplishments on Water Sanitation and Hygiene, WASH, social accountability, gender equality/equity, social inclusion, good governance, civic education, food security, reproductive health and safe migration and so on. It produced and broadcasted programs on these issues in partnership with the government of Nepal, international development agencies including UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNWOMEN, ILO, Save the Children, Give2Asia, VSO Nepal, The Asia Foundation, Plan International Nepal, World Vision International, CARE Nepal, and other national non-government organizations.
The Major focus area of the program are:
- Advocacy and Lobbying for Community Radio Friendly Policies at all Local, Provincial and Federal Level
- Institutional Sustainability of Community Radios
- Quality and Trustworthy Radio Programs
- Community Empowerment to Eliminate the Harmful Social Tradition
- Technical Support to the Community Radios
- Capacity Development, Research and Outreach
- Strengthening governance system
- Awareness raising on health, hygiene and sanitation
- Information for emergency Preparedness and response